Articles by Justine Aubry


A review of hirings and dismissals in Canada – July 2023

Quebec and Canadian companies have recently made layoffs while others have announced the creation of new positions. Hiring PortsToronto, the company that owns Billy Bishop Airport in downtown Toronto, will soon be home to a US Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) facility. This pre-clearance system could lead to the creation of 32,400 new jobs, according […]


Contract work, the new normal?

According to a study published by talent management solutions firm Robert Half, 29% of job seekers in Canada are aiming to find full-time contract work this year rather than a permanent position with a single employer. Half of Canadians are considering changing jobs in the next 6 months, according to the results of an online […]

Not to be missed

Recruiting: Skills looked for by employers in 2023

While the world of employment today has to deal with a very present labour shortage and major recruitment challenges, companies are looking for the best talent more than ever. Which skills are most in demand by organizations in 2023? With the current business environment coloured by the lack of personnel plus retention difficulties, companies want […]


Their career is no longer a priority for young people

Career no longer seems to be the priority for the majority of new generation job seekers. Work-life balance is now more important than ever, according to the recent Working Together survey, from the Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec (RJCCQ).   It is also one of the main criteria for both current employees […]


CV: Should you emphasize your remote work capability?

This practice gained ground during lockdown, and has attracted many workers since then. Job seekers prefer to leave scheduled office hours for the flexibility of working from home. However, mentioning the experience of remote work in a CV is not common practice. Should this data be emphasized with recruiters? In the past two years, the majority of […]


A review of hirings and dismissals for August 2022 – little change in employment last month

According to the most recent data compiled by Statistics Canada’s Labor Force Survey, employment did not change significantly during the month of July. The unemployment rate stabilized at 4.9%, a record low recorded last June. The number of unemployed people was also little changed, standing at 1 million in July. Over the past month, the […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – July 2022: a decrease in employment observed

According to the latest data released by Statistics Canada’s Labor Force Survey (LFS), the number of people employed in Canada has fallen slightly over the past month. The country currently has 19,597,100 people in employment (-0.2%, compared to last month). The sectors most affected by this decline are those of services, with a decrease of […]

Career management

The Good Sides of a Temporary Job

Often viewed negatively, fixed-term temporary positions can nonetheless have some beneficial advantages. What are the advantages of these ephemeral jobs and why consider them? Companies typically use temporary candidates to replace permanent employees during vacation periods, to adapt to increased production or to compensate for work stoppages and sick leave. Laurence Perreault Mandeville is working […]

Jobs search

Job search: make it personal

To find a job adapted to your needs and abilities, it’s essential to personalize your cv. But what aspects should you focus on to pique the interest of the recruiter? An expert answers us. In response to a job offer, an employer can often receive more than a hundred applications. The CV and cover letter […] network